Friday, June 27, 2008

I Love This Website

I found this new website today that I find very uplifting. I was searching on treasure mapping, looking for some inspiration, because honestly, the news these days is not very happy and I find myself sinking into negative thought territory way too often.

I've done treasure mapping before and I know it works. The problem is, I have so many distractions that things of a spiritual nature often take a backseat when they really should be at the forefront right now.

Anyhoo... Creative Manifesting ( is a great site and I plan to visit it often. It has many useful tips and ideas to get me going.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I think my daughter cursed our car

Yes, Kaitlin has been cursing our car for the past year and now it is finally broken. True, we drove it into the ground, but I honestly think she cursed it because she wanted a new one so bad. Now we have a new one. Yipee!

Yeah, you know. We find ourselves trying to "keep up with the Jones's" as it were. We live in this very nice area where it seems everyone, even the high schoolers, is driving a Mercedes. We only rent in an older part of town. But houses around here are easily over a million dollars or more. So, now that we have a car we don't have to be embarrassed about we have to work on getting a house we don't have to be embarrassed about.

Has anybody ever heard of treasure mapping? Have you tried it? Let us know what your experiences were.

Friday, June 13, 2008

What's New?

The answer is me. I'm new to this blog thingy and as such it's rather boring I know. But I'm working on it. I'm amazed at all the stuff there is to learn about this medium.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Looking for that elusive feeling

In every book I read on the subject of manifestation, belief and faith are central, which I understand. Strong emotion, visualizing, etc... are very important as well. Boy, it's sure hard to feel excited about having what you want when your surroundings or your bank account are screaming otherwise.

I've had plenty of experience (now that I look back on it) with manifesting what I want. Sure I've manifested a lot that I didn't want, but that was totally unconscious. When we aren't paying attention is when we get a lot of stuff we don't want.

Anyway, there have been several times when I've put my mind to something and right away I've experienced this "knowing". It's an aha moment that can't be mistaken. And it can't be manufactured. Once I've experienced that phenomenon, there is no more worrying about the particular outcome. I just know that what I wanted would definitely come to pass. I didn't know how, I just knew it would. After this breakthrough, I feel very light and elated. It's easy then to just sit back and watch events unfold, like turning on the television. I start to see circumstances leading me to that eventuality. A comment here, or an opportunity there, will confirm that my desire is on its way. It truly is amazing.

This hasn't always happened, and I keep trying to remind myself of that. Because right now I'm trying to bring about some changes in my life and I'm not getting that sense of relief I'm after.

I wonder if all the books I've read on the subject of manifestation refer to that inner sense of knowing that I've experienced in the past. Or, as I mentioned, are they manufacturing some feeling by the buildup of emotional pressure and release. I might compare this to what practicing witches might be doing during one of their rituals. I'm not a witch, but I've read books and seen movies. Witches aren't the only group who do this, many church congregations do this, especially evangelicals. When I was in high school I was invited to a mid week church gathering. This was an evangelical group (Which I suspect are highly emotional people. Please forgive me if I'm wrong here.) The topic of the night was how they were going to raise the funds to go on some holiday ski trip. They all stood up and started praying quietly, then the fervor began to escalate into moaning and crying and waving hands all over the place. I felt really uncomfortable and I thought they were behaving rediculously over such an inconsequential thing as a ski trip. But looking back on it, I have no doubt that everyone went who wanted to.

I might mention here that sometimes the fruition of my desire did not always involve a pleasant set of circumstances. For instance, a few years back I wanted to get out of debt. What ended up happening was that my husband's employer decided they were going to move operations to Oregon which meant my husband would be out of a job. We had to sell our house, but in doing so we got out of debt.

Maybe I need to fine-tune my method.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Today's Observation

If your greatest dream is big or small, it makes no difference to the Universe. So why not dream big?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My first experience with the Law of Attraction

I had purchased a very plain red knit dress. I had to find the perfect necklace to go with that dress. Since the dress was plain (like a long t-shirt actually), the necklace had to really stand out. I was fixed on finding a chunky, primitive looking style. I just knew I'd know it when I found it, that was all. I looked for a month. I was obsessed with finding the perfect necklace. I drove to all the malls between Garden Grove and Los Angeles I could think of to find that necklace. I looked for days. Obessession really is the only way to describe it. At one point I broke down and purchased a gold and black lacquer number that I wore once and decided it just wasn't right, so I took it back. I gave up because I figured that necklace just didn't exist.

Some weeks later I had been visiting my Grandmother in Sacramento after she had returned from a trip to the St. Thomas Islands. She shoved a necklace in front of me and said "I don't know why I bought this. I must have been thinking of you." I tell you, when I saw that necklace my jaw hit the floor. And I knew at that very moment that, yes indeed she was thinking of me when she bought it because I was sending a message to the Universe that I really wanted this necklace! When she handed it to me I kept thinking 'this is what my mind created and it came to me all the way from St. Thomas!'

I've had this necklace for 20+ years as a reminder of what truly is possible if we want something bad enough. But that's the trick, strong emotion and real desire.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Welcome to my first blog.

I've started this blog because I am a fan of "The Secret", and books of that nature. I have a whole stack of very inspiring works such as this. Some books I have speak to me on a deeper level than "The Secret", but I appreciate Rhonda Byrne for making ideas such as these more mainstream. I truly do believe in these concepts because I have experienced these truths myself. I experienced them before I even read of such an idea.

It is with this blog that I hope to inspire all who read it. Not with just my comments and observations, but with yours as well. I think, in these difficult times, we could all use a little more positive thinking and encouragement.

I believe there are a lot of interesting stories out there. Inspiring stories from people who have applied the principles of positive thinking, expectation, focused thought, etc. I'd like to hear them. Reading the same old book gets tiresome. Let's get the energy flowing, so-to-speak. Let's share our accomplishments.

No, I'm not saying my life is without troubles. I haven't become a millionaire. I don't live in a million dollar mansion. I don't even drive a new car. But, I do believe I can have these things. It just takes descipline.

Yes, I'm currently trying to make some changes in my life. But because I get easily distracted and forget to put time into this process, I'm not moving along as swiftly as I'd like. So I decided that committing to this blog will help me keep my efforts at the forefront of my mind. I've concluded that this really is like a religion. It has to be put to practice on a regular basis in order to see progress.

I hope those of you who read this will share your thoughts.

Here's to positive thinking.
