Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today's Observation

When I talk to my husband about how thoughts become things, he usually scoffs at me. He's one of those literal types who can't believe in what he doesn't see. I feel sorry for him, because thinking about grand ideas or silly ideas make life more interesting.

When it comes down to it, nothing was created until the idea was first conceived. But it's hard to see these things as magical because they didn't materialize out of thin air. We take it for granted that we can fly in an airplane, or send astronauts to the moon, send millions of bits of information around the world in seconds, or cure deadly illnesses. But we can, and it all happened because somebody said, "What if?"

As long as we live and breath we can create. We do create, whether we are aware of it or not. But rather than become a victim of random thoughts, we need to practice controlling our thoughts and focusing on goals. This is the way things get done. We have to want something bad enough, and when we do the way is made for us to accomplish that which we desire. Events and circumstances begin to present themselves and if we are paying attention, we start to see how our way is magically unfolding before us.

So, if your life is seemingly in chaos, check your thoughts. What are your thoughts generally focused on? Are you like a boat tossed around at sea with no anchor and no destination? Make a committment to focus your thoughts somewhere productive. Then you will begin to see the chaos subside.

Like the familiar statement says, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!". Conversely, if you don't heartily desire anything good in your life, nothing good will happen.

So, like Mike Dooley says (Notes From The Universe), "Thoughts become things. Pick the good ones."