Thursday, June 5, 2008

My first experience with the Law of Attraction

I had purchased a very plain red knit dress. I had to find the perfect necklace to go with that dress. Since the dress was plain (like a long t-shirt actually), the necklace had to really stand out. I was fixed on finding a chunky, primitive looking style. I just knew I'd know it when I found it, that was all. I looked for a month. I was obsessed with finding the perfect necklace. I drove to all the malls between Garden Grove and Los Angeles I could think of to find that necklace. I looked for days. Obessession really is the only way to describe it. At one point I broke down and purchased a gold and black lacquer number that I wore once and decided it just wasn't right, so I took it back. I gave up because I figured that necklace just didn't exist.

Some weeks later I had been visiting my Grandmother in Sacramento after she had returned from a trip to the St. Thomas Islands. She shoved a necklace in front of me and said "I don't know why I bought this. I must have been thinking of you." I tell you, when I saw that necklace my jaw hit the floor. And I knew at that very moment that, yes indeed she was thinking of me when she bought it because I was sending a message to the Universe that I really wanted this necklace! When she handed it to me I kept thinking 'this is what my mind created and it came to me all the way from St. Thomas!'

I've had this necklace for 20+ years as a reminder of what truly is possible if we want something bad enough. But that's the trick, strong emotion and real desire.

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